Village For Vets


village for vets—Who are they?

Village for Vets is a non-profit, community-based volunteer and financial support group that’s aimed towards Veterans. Their programs address urgent needs of homeless and at-risk Veteran population including meals, ID services, and short-term financial assistance.



Village for Vets logo. The concept for this logo uses the wings of an eagle, the national bird of the United States, and stars and stripes of the American flag to make up part of the letterform of a V. The feathers on the right symbolize a group of individuals—the community. The feather on the left is filled with stars which indicates one of our Vets. The typeface selection is readable, elegant, and strong.

Stationery System


Complete with the letterhead, business card, envelope, and a two-pocket, round flap folder.

Website Variations


The Village for Vets website presented on a variety of devices.

Volunteer and Giveaways


Shirt for volunteers or as a giveaway.

Hat for volunteers or giveaways.

Progress Work


Logo Sketch Ideas


Top left: Gives the form of a “V” as half of the form symbolizes the wing on an eagle.

Top right: A visual abbreviation of the company, as one side transitions the American Flag

Bottom left: Tying into the City Hall form of Brentwood (the HQ of the non-profit), while also resembling the “V” for “Vet”, the use of five stars help resemble the five locations they have

Bottom right: Taking on a metal form that United States Veterans would receive for their service, combining with an almost eagle form