Village For Vets
village for vets—Who are they?
Village for Vets is a non-profit, community-based volunteer and financial support group that’s aimed towards Veterans. Their programs address urgent needs of homeless and at-risk Veteran population including meals, ID services, and short-term financial assistance.
Stationery System
Website Variations
Volunteer and Giveaways
Progress Work
Logo Sketch Ideas
Top left: Gives the form of a “V” as half of the form symbolizes the wing on an eagle.
Top right: A visual abbreviation of the company, as one side transitions the American Flag
Bottom left: Tying into the City Hall form of Brentwood (the HQ of the non-profit), while also resembling the “V” for “Vet”, the use of five stars help resemble the five locations they have
Bottom right: Taking on a metal form that United States Veterans would receive for their service, combining with an almost eagle form